Women’s Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Lifestyle

December 9, 2021 by Dr Amit Goel

PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal condition that affects a large number of women of reproductive age. Women with PCOS may experience irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, as well as elevated levels of male hormone (androgen). The ovaries may generate a large number of tiny collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to release eggs regularly.

The etiology of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown, however, it may be caused by a mix of hereditary and environmental factors.

The most commonly spotted symptoms among all are:

  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Excessive hair growth
  • Acne
  • Obesity

Therapies comprise birth control pills to manage periods, metformin to prevent diabetes, statins to lower high cholesterol, fertility hormones, and hair removal operations.

Women who have PCOS are more prone to suffer major health issues. These include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart and blood vessel issues
  • Uterine cancer

Women with PCOS frequently struggle with their ability to conceive (fertility).


Lifestyle Changes for Women with PCOS

  • Reduce your sugar and carbohydrate intake

Many PCOS women also have insulin resistance, which occurs when the body’s use of the hormone insulin is inefficient. The pancreas produces insulin, which allows the body to utilize glucose, or sugar, from energy food.

It also helps to keep blood sugar levels under control. Your doctor may advise you to avoid sugar and other simple carbs to reduce your blood sugar levels.

  • Control Your Weight

Usually, although not all, PCOS women are overweight. They can also become fat over time. This can result in a variety of health issues, including infertility, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

  • Frequent exercise is essential

Frequent exercise offers several advantages in the treatment of PCOS. It aids in the fight against obesity by burning calories and increasing muscle mass, both of which reduce insulin resistance. Exercise can also help decrease cholesterol and other hormone levels, such as testosterone.

In short words

Dr Amit Goel has a decade of experience in the field of medicine with an experience as an Endocrinologist for over 4 years. Dr Amit’s published articles are one of the best in the world for research on prevention and early detection of diabetic neuropathy.


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